iPhone check by Part Number (Part No.)

Enter the Apple device Part Number to check

Example Part Number: MWLN2LL/A

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Go to Settings -> General -> About.

To the right of the Model Number item, you will see the Part Number, which consists of 9 characters, including letters, numbers and the " / " symbol.

Apple Part Number is often confused with a 5-character model number (first letter A and 4 digits). To see the model number, click on the part number.

Let's seen what is encrypted in each of the part number characters.

The first letter of the part number indicates the origin of the device:
M - you have a new smartphone
F - refurbished iPhone
P - smartphone with official engraving. You can order it on the official Apple website.
N - a brand-new device that was issued to the user under warranty in exchange for a faulty one.

In the last letters before the slash, the country for which the iPhone was made is encoded.

The last letter, for example /A means that the smartphone is intended for sale in Apple branded stores.

The rest of the part number characters encode the model identifiers (Model ID - Apple Model Identifier), the internal name (Internal Name) of the device, information about the color and memory size.

You can quickly check iPhone or other Apple device on the SNDeepInfo website. Enter the part number characters in the input field and find out information about the device.