Answers to frequently asked questions
If you are a rightful owner of the device and you have all documents proving it, but for unknown reasons iPhone is blocked, you can safely apply to Apple’s technical support, they will help you with the restoring of access to the device.
Structure element of IMEI number.
The last digit of IMEI number, which is calculated using algorithm of "Luhn", is necessary to check is the IMEI was written correctly.
To find out the serial number, on the device’s screen sequentially open Settings -> Main-> About the device
Also, the serial number of iPhone and iPad can be written on a tray for SIM-card, and in 1st generation iPhone – on the back of a metal case.
If you have the original packaging from the device, the serial number can be found on the bar code which is affixed to the bottom of the package.
On any phone, IMEI number could be found by typing on the keyboard *#06# and pressing the call button.
To find out IMEI of iPhone or iPad, on the screen sequentially open Settings-> Main-> About the device.
Also, IMEI number can be written on a tray for SIM-card, and in 1st generation iPhone – on the back of a metal case.
In many phones, the sticker with IMEI number can be below the battery and also on the bottom or on the side of a package.
Often, IMEI number is written on the warranty card or in a bill.
Try to contact via e-mail with the person who has registered it.
If you will not agree about returning the device, send a request to [email protected], specify as detailed as possible data about when you purchased the phone, when it has been stolen, when you checked it or registered on SNDeepInfo for the first time. Attach an image of the box and make it clearly visible the serial number and IMEI, the bill, guarantee or any other document confirming the purchase, and if you have, the copy of the statement for the police…
To determine the location of the phone using IMEI or a serial number without using special operator’s opportunities, law enforcement agencies or intelligence agencies is impossible.
Service SNDeepInfo and the base of stolen devices LoSToleN are not directly involved in a search. We give an opportunity to the person, who has found the phone, to contact you via e-mail.
Thousands of phones and other devices are checked daily using service SNDeepInfo. After registration the phone in the database LoSToleN and checking, the warning that this number is on the wanted list appears.

This simple procedure not only increases the chance to return a lost phone, but also greatly complicates the opportunity to the further resale of a stolen device.
Do not switch it off or do not change a SIM card, most likely, after some time the owner of this phone will call on it and you will be able to agree about the return.
If there was not a call or the phone is discharged, register IMEI or a serial number in the database of lost devices LoSToleN with the mark “Found”. If an owner checks it on this site, he will be able to contact you via e-mail.
After finishing the registration in the database and confirming an e-mail address, you will recive the letter with a link for deleting device. After clicking on this link, the device is deleted from a database.
If you have lost the letter with a link for deleting, send a request to [email protected] with IMEI or a serial number. A request has to be sent from that e-mail address, which was specified while adding device in the database.
You should delete the device from the database and re-register it with a right status.
You should delete the device from the database and re-register it with a valid data.